J.C. Harker All the Comfort of YA With a Bloodbath

Are You My Reader?

You are my reader if:

  • You love dragons, or vampires, or cats, or weird creatures.
  • You like your fiction to follow logic , and even in worlds full of magic or mysterious advanced technology things make sense and follow rules.
  • You love surprises and plot twists!
  • You enjoy dark themes and occasional violence.
  • You hate whiney characters full of pointless angst.
  • You like more than just romance in your stories.
  • You are not afraid to explore morally grey characters.
  • You like Lost style intertwining of various threads and subplots spanning multiple books.
  • You read fantasy & sci-fi with a splash of horror.
  • You want to immerse yourself in a large world developed in detail and offering multiple books / series.

I'll admit - my books aren't for everyone. For a long time finding the right genre classification has been something I struggled with. Sure, the Dragons Reborn series is fantasy. Duh. But fantasy is such a broad term, encompassing such a variety of readers that I needed to be more specific if I were to find out who my readers are. On top of that not all my books are fantasy - Vampire Bytes is a contemporary vampire thriller series, and I dabble in the occasional sci-fi too.

But even within the Dragons Reborn series the books vary. Some have romance, some don't. Some focus on adventures, others go more into literary themes. It bugged me, because it's not like I change my reading/writing taste between the books. Even from one series to the other, despite how different the voice and setting is I suspected there must be a common thread that makes me want to tell these stories. That makes them fun for me to write (and for you to read!).

The list above represents those things. Inspired by Holly I decided to put it out there.

If I were to pinpoint the number one thing that I like my stories to do it would have to be surprising the reader with the outcome or the way the outcome is reached. I love unusual characters thinking outside the box to overcome their challenges.


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